Does Fast Food Cause Acne?

I think that the majority of you out there know that fast food is bad. But, I don’t really think you understand how bad the fast food in our society really is. Allow me to enlighten you =)…

In today’s world, as a young adult looking around, what do we see? I’ll list the popular ones off the top of my head in proximity with my area: Del Taco, Burger King, In N Out, Subway, El Pollo Loco, McDonalds, or Jack in the Box. As a young adult, these are usually the food places that we resort to whether it’s late at night and nothing’s open or we just want something to eat. It’s quick, it’s easy, BUT… it’s also really, really unhealthy.

Let’s take, for example, Del Taco’s basic soft taco which contains ground beef and cheese placed in soft taco skins with a little bit of “special sauce.”

Seems harmless, does it not? Well… ground beef if probably one of the worst kind of meats you can put in your system. Not only is it just left over, ground up pieces of unwanted beef, it’s cooked in TONS of oil and grease. You’re much better off eating a healthier form of protein like chicken or fish (Hint: that’s why it’s more expensive on the menu). But what about the soft taco skins right? Aren’t they a form of carbohydrates, kind of like eating rice, right? They’re made of white flour and do absolutely nothing for your health. NOTHING. This kind of food will just feed the nasty Candida or other bad bacteria living in your GI tract. Cheese is made from pasteurized cow’s milk and will end up congesting and clogging up your system. We’ve been conditioned by society to think that cheese is good. It is good, but only until a certain age, from a certain source, and up to a specific amount. Generally, this food will do nothing for you.

Quicky on Cow’s Milk

Cow’s milk contains “casein” which is an extremely binding substance used to make glue. When you drink cow’s milk, you clog up your system. Try to stay away from anything made from cow’s milk. That’s right, all these years, you’ve been fooled into thinking that “milk does the body good.”

What about the “Better” Burrito?

Well… sometimes, you might splurge and get the healthier “Super-sized burrito” (or whatever the hell they’re calling it these days, lol) which probably has guacamole, refried beans, sour cream, Mexican rice, Del Taco hot sauce, chicken (I think I named the vast majority of what’s in there…). It’s logical to assume that these ingredients must be a lot better for you, right? Well, let’s see…

First, if you have an acne problem, you shouldn’t be eating avacados or guacamole, they contain too much omega-6 fatty acids and that’s one of your main problems for having acne. Beans are good for you, but if you cook them, then fry them, then refry them again; you’ve cooked out all the nutrients and enzymes and now you’re just eating nutritionless mush. When you cook food like that over and over again in extreme heat, the proteins and anatomy of the food become so distorted that it’s difficult for your body to process them. They explained this in my Biology course, when proteins are bent out of shape and your body cannot recognize the coding of the particular element the body must dispose of the denatured protein. Well, if you dump a bunch of these bent out of shape proteins into your body, it’s going to put a lot of stress on your system. Food that’s good for you is not supposed to do that.

Secondly, the sour cream that they use is made from cow’s milk. Had it been sour cream made from goat’s milk then that would’ve been healthy, but it’s not. Mexican rice is just white rice cooked Mexican style. And white rice turns into “sugar” in your body causing insulin levels to soar. For now, just understand that this is not good. Society’s taught the public that white rice is good for you, well… it’s not. Don’t even get me started on Del Taco hot sauce, if you believe that this is healthy, drink a bucket of it and then tell me how you feel afterwards, lol.

If you’re beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed at this point or are wondering if any of this is true, don’t worry because I’m going to be diving further into the details (if you’re interested) later. I’ll be sure to reveal the truth to you about how we’ve been duped all these years into believing so many misconceptions about these foods.

Finally, there’s the chicken. This is probably the healthiest thing in the entire burrito, assuming that you did get “the chicken burrito.” Pork, beef, the fried fish that fast food places usually have, are much dirtier forms of protein when being processed in your body (more on this later). But don’t forget this, fast food chicken’s are usually steroid-injected with plenty of body altering chemicals. When you eat the chicken, you’re eating a lot of the chemicals buried within the chicken meat. Now tell me that doesn’t do your body damage in the long run. And if you don’t believe me about this chicken steroid-injecting, feel free to do a search on “google”, there are hundreds of PETA related articles on it.

The Lying Hamburger

Since we’re on the topic of fast food, I have to talk about the hamburger. Stop eating it. Okay, I know that’s probably impossible so just try to stay away from it. Here’s way, those sexy sesame buns that the junior whopper has? Those buns are made from white flour and ultimately turn into a form of sugar in your body. White flour and sugar feed the bad bacteria in your body. When I refer to bad bacteria, I’m talking about the acne bacteria, the parasites, the leeching Candida, infections, or anything else that’s negative and using your body as a host. So when eat any kind of bread, pasta, rice, doughnut, bagel made from white flour, you’re basically encouraging the problem. And yes, it does make a difference. Try eating a bunch of pasta for a week straight and then tell me how you feel and what your face looks like. I guarantee you’ll notice a “difference.” I know it sucks to know this because I used to LOVE pasta. But I love my face even more so I had to give it up =)

Also, we’ve grown up on hamburgers thinking that poultry (meat) and carbohydrates (bread) go together, right? Wrong. When you eat meat, your body produces an acidic like chemicals to break the meat down. When you eat breads, your body produces base like substances to bread the bread down. When you eat meat and breads together, your body will produce both acid and base together. What happens then? Like we’ve learned from basic Chemistry, the acid and base will cancel each other out. This causes your body to have to work harder and produce additional chemicals just to digest food that shouldn’t be this hard to digest! The food will take longer to digest too which ends up causing putrefaction (spoiling). Long story short, it’s bad for you. Don’t believe me that mixing is bad and ends up causing your body more stress?

Let’s look at an Example

Warning, please avert your eyes if you’re under 21. If you’ve ever drank alcohol before, tell me how messed you’ve gotten after you started mixing several drinks together compared to if you’ve only had one type of drink all night. You’ll know exactly what I’m talking about if you’ve ever had a couple shots of this, then that, then drank some beer, etc… because you’ll know that if you do that, you should also be expecting to throw it back up that night. But if you’ve only had one type of alcohol, your body will have an easier time dealing with it because it only has to deal with one type of substance. The minute you start mixing two, three, four types of foods then things will start to slow down and become more confusing.

Beverages are Almost Pure Sugar

On the topic of beverages, because I’ve seen so many people always ordering a coke or sprite with their hamburger and fries, that stuff is almost pure candy! I have a friend who owns a hamburger stand and sells beverages like 7up, coke, etc. They don’t buy the drink, they buy the syrup that it’s made from. Yes, that’s right, it’s made from pure sugar folks. And if you’ve ever read the book Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser you’ll know that, something like half, that cup of coke you’re drinking is probably just coke syrup. They add so much sugar, you might as well be injecting it into your veins. When you eat sugar like that you’ll cause your cells at a molecular level to become inflammed and age a lot quicker.


Same friend who owns that hamburger stand, I saw him make fries. They soak them in oil. After you’ve seen something like that, you’ll never want to eat fries again.

Finishing Thoughts

The way that I started thinking about it is this: when you eat fast food, all you’re doing is temporary satiating your hunger. In the long run, you’re just causing yourself more acne. And I always regret it when I wake up the next morning with a sensitive red spot on the tip of my nose.


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About Ray

Ray was an ex-acne sufferer for more than 10+ years and spent over $10,000 on acne products, creams, dermatologists, laser surgeries, ProActiv, you name it, he's tried it. After finally curing himself through diet, he became a believer that the right formula of food can truly heal all. While starting My Acne Coach, he finished his Masters degree in Nutrition & Dietetics and became a Certified Alternative Nutritionist.

