If you’ve noticed it that there is a connection between sex and acne, you’re not crazy.
It’s something that I definitely thought about at one point at my life, “Does having sex cause acne?”
“Ohhhh crap, what if every time someone orgasmed, they got a new pimple?”
The thought of this got me so frustrated … how could God be so cruel??? Then I realized, “Does that mean … if I masturbate it’ll cause acne too?”
Question: Does having sex cause acne?
The short answer is: not really, depends.
Here’s the longer answer.
If you don’t have acne and you have sex, you’re not going to all of a sudden start getting pimples on your face, back, chest. For example, if you know someone who is pretty healthy, doesn’t have acne, and is a 40 year old man (or woman) that has sex, they’re not going to all of a sudden going to start breaking out everywhere.
Makes sense right?
That’s because these people already have balanced hormones and nothing is happening that would cause an imbalance that would leave to new pimples or acne.
Well … that’s also sorta too because just because this person isn’t breaking out doesn’t mean they don’t have a tumor growing inside them due to some other imbalance, but that’s another story that you’re probably not interested in right now because we’re talking about acne!
So what if you’re a 16 year old boy or girl, or maybe you’re even in your 20’s or 30’s and you’re currently getting new pimples every day or two and you have sex, you may noticed that you get an additional pimple or two.
What the hell is going on here?
First off, I have definitely noticed this connection.
Without disclosing … err … too much “private” information about unnecessary details (because who knows who is actually reading my blog sometimes), let’s just say that I have definitely noticed that there IS A CONNECTION BETWEEN SEX AND ACNE.
And if you’ve noticed it too. Don’t worry, you’re not crazy.
Unfortunately, it’s not something that’s easy to bring up with … well … anyone.
Don’t worry, that’s what I’m here for (and the internet).
The Explanation
When you have sex, you have a surge in hormones. Even when you work out, you have a surge in hormones.
There are all sorts of hormones emitted into your body when you’re having sex such as increased production of oxytocin, which makes you feel like you’re “in love.”
And right before you orgasm, oxytocin is released from your brain and endorphins, a pain killing hormone, are released.
This would all be great and you make you feel good except for the fact that one of the biggest things that every acne sufferer has heard over and over is, “you’re suffering from acne because of imbalanced hormones.”
This is true.
If you’re hormones were balanced you wouldn’t have acne, or you would have significantly less acne.
That’s why when boys and girls are going through puberty, some get pimples and some don’t. Ever thought about this?
It’s because some have balanced hormones and a good foundation already while others don’t.
So you hit puberty, you start growing and your body is emitting all these hormones for you to grow: GnRH, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone.
However, those who aren’t balanced and don’t have a good foundation to keep this new hormones balanced, suddenly they get pimples.
Without boring you in the details, long story short is: YES, performing an activity (like sex) that will tamper with your hormones, when your hormones are imbalanced, may cause you to break out a little each time.
So what do I do now?
So the question here that everyone asks now is:
Okay, I get it. So how do I balance my hormones?
Ahhh yes, young grasshopper. Now you’re on the right track.
And the answer is simple but it’s not easy.
Here’s how to balance your hormones
- Stop eating the wrong foods.
- Start eating the Acne Free Diet.
Let me paint you a very obvious picture, if you gave a newborn puppy nothing but junk food and artificial soda to eat its entire life, would you be surprised if this fully grown dog had health problems? Back pain? Whatever the equivalent of dog acne was? Maybe skin rashes?
No, you probably wouldn’t be surprised. This dog had nothing but crap to eat it’s entire life!
Maybe if that dog exercised but you still only fed it chips and coke, would it be better? Maybe, but its health would still be severely hurt because of all this bad food for so much of it’s life.
But what if you fed it healthy, nutritious, fresh food since it was little?
Can you imagine, even if it didn’t work out, how healthy it would be? It probably wouldn’t even have to work out and it would have a nice fur coat, nice heart beat, no diabetes.
Now the tricky part is this …
What is the secret formula that WE, as people, need and don’t need when it comes to an acne free diet?
Now you’re on the right track.
That’s what I teach.
Get your diet right and you can have as much sex as you’d like without worrying about acne.
Unfortunately, that acne free diet conversation won’t fit on this blog but you can find out more about it here:
Buy the Acne Free DietIt’s been a pleasure writing this article for you, no pun intended. And searching for the featured image for this blog post has been especially … uhhh … “challenging” since this is a semi PG-13 blog … well hell, not really because I keep it real here, folks. Nothing is censored. But I’m not about to turn this in some porno channel.
So thanks again for reading and I promise you’re on the right track to clearing your acne.
I’ve cured my acne after trying everything, now I’m going to help you clear yours.
Trust me, it can be done. You just have to learn the secrets that these dermatologists, face creams, and commercials will NEVER tell you.
10 Steps to Cure AcneOtherwise, you can keep reading too because … have you thought about this?