Hi everyone!
I haven’t gone anywhere, don’t worry, I’m still here and this movement / project is still something that’s very close to my heart because it’s not just about acne, it’s about health.
For those of you who are new, trust that the ORIGINAL creator of this website, your acne guru, is still here. While I do have help, I will still be personally reading through your comments, emails, and consulting with you based on all my success in clearing people’s skin, stopping breakouts, and beating acne.
When you have good health, you have clear skin and no acne, then you can finally move on with your life.
I truly believe that acne is just a symptom of a larger problem and luckily (or unluckily) for you, it’s a reminder that’s on your face which forces you to “face” (no pun intended) what’s really going on in your body and dig deep.
So where have I been?
I’ll share the most exciting part of my absence, I’m going to be releasing an updated and better version of everything that I’ve learned before and everything NEW that I’ve learned in recent times. I’m always learning and trying to figure out ways to improve my health and skin so you’ll definitely want to check out this next program.
Release Date: Fall 2019
Since my last post, I’ve actually had some very large transitions in my life:
- Moved to different cities (though I’m still based in Southern California) I’ve moved several times
- Started, closed, and automated several business opportunities regarding real estate and digital programs in order to improve work-life balance and efficiency in my life
- Changed large parts of my lifestyle towards minimalism and appreciate the simpler things in life
I’ve actually been working on several different projects before and some were great successes while others were difficult struggles which caused me to re-evaluate parts of my life.
Just like the housing market or world economy, I believe our lives go through times fluctuations with highs and lows which can allow us to gain a different perspective. Sometimes, this new perspective is what you need to get to that “next level.”
Thanks again for checking in with me and our program My Acne Coach. You’re ON THE RIGHT track to clearing your acne.
Trust me, those dermatologists, pills, creams, tetracycline, antibiotics, ProActiv face washes, and masks DON’T WORK to really CURE your acne.
They don’t work long term, and at best, they only can help you if you keep using them and spending money on them!
I’ll teach you how to clear your acne naturally through diet because it’s what our bodies are designed to do!
Start off with my eBook for under the cost of 2 movie tickets (at least here in California) and you’ll be on your way to knowing more about acne than everyone else.