3 Best Hot Summer Acne Tips

By 08/25/2010November 7th, 2014Blog, Things to use on your acne, Top 10 Lists

Summer is great and all but when you have acne, the last thing you want to do is sweat!

To top it off, it was over 100° degrees today where I am in Los Angeles, California!

If you’ve been to my website before, here is another helpful article about 4 Tricks to Prevent Summer Acne.

So if you’re looking for some hints to help your acne, you’ve come to the right place.  Here are 3 more of the best acne tips for a hot summer:


Having suffered from acne for more than 10 years and performed many years of research on myself to the point of finally permanently curing my acne, I’ll tell you a bit about what I’ve learned.

My name is Ray Wang and I’ve helped hundreds of people cure their acne.  You can read more about me HERE.


One way of controlling the oil on your face temporarily is to wipe it off with those oil wipes.  While I would recommend that you balance your face oils through a balanced diet and proper nutrition, some may want something that’s more immediate, more NOW. =)

That’s fine too.

Here’s a good idea.  You can just go to the nearest public restroom and into one of the stalls.  See that toilet seat cover?  Well, it’s going to work wonders on the oil on your face.  Just like, if you’ve ever put your cheek onto your homework when your face was oily, this is going to do something similar.

So tear off a piece and now you can use it to blot your face!

It’s probably something that you don’t want to brag about to your friends.  But it does work and best of all… it’s FREE.


It’s okay to go out and buy some sunblock that will help protect your skin from the harsh rays of the summer sun.  It’s just important that you remember to get some sort of make of remover to make sure you get all of the sunblock off your skin by the end of the day.

Just remember too, the type of sunblock that you want to buy should be non comedic and non pore clogging.


This is an important one.   As a matter of fact, this is the second time that I’m talking about it.  The first time I talk about it and some other important summer acne tips in this article HERE.  That’s how important this concept is, that I’m going to talk about it a second time in this article.

A lot of people, when they get hot and sweaty, especially if they have acne, feel the need to wash their face extra clean.  They use facial soap, wash thoroughly, and then dry and reapply whatever it is that they are used to putting on after washing their face.  But because it’s summer, they’re usually hot and sweaty again, so this process may repeat itself many times throughout the day, sometimes a couple times and sometimes as many as 10 times a day.

This is a BIG NO NO.

If you wash your face too much, you can actually end up irritating it even more and aggravating your acne if you have a condition.  This may ultimately lead to your body making your face even more oily if you have oily skin or even more dry if you have dry skin.

What’s the s0lution?

The solution is to rinse your face with cold water.  This way you can make sure to wash away the excess dirt and oily a bit without upsetting your face’s balance too much.  Try to keep washing your face down to a maximum of 2-3 times a day.

It’s okay that your face has a little bit of sweat and oil on it.  You have to remember that a little bit of sweat, oil, or dirt is not going to be the CAUSE of your acne.  And it’s not going to cure your acne if you are constantly washing your face just to make sure that it’s clean on the outside.

You have to make sure that you’re clear on the inside too.

It all starts with the right kind of food that you eat.


Yes, there is such thing as eating the right kinds of foods if you have acne.  What am I talking about?  Oh, you have so much to learn young grasshopper, and I’m going to teach all of it to you.  Just follow the link below to the next section!


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About Ray

Ray was an ex-acne sufferer for more than 10+ years and spent over $10,000 on acne products, creams, dermatologists, laser surgeries, ProActiv, you name it, he's tried it. After finally curing himself through diet, he became a believer that the right formula of food can truly heal all. While starting My Acne Coach, he finished his Masters degree in Nutrition & Dietetics and became a Certified Alternative Nutritionist.
