So it’s Halloween, there are tons of treats, alcohol, partying and all the vices that might cause you to break out.
What’s an acne sufferer to do? Here are my suggestions if you want to have a ton of fun while reducing the breakout blow that partying can cause:
Drink clear liquor. No dairy mixed drinks. But even better, no mixed cocktails. And keep alcohol drinks separate from your food, that means 5-10 minutes before or 30-45 minutes after solid food.
Okay, so you don’t drink alcohol. Good, because alcohol causes inflammation. However, sodas and carbonated beverages aren’t much better because of all the sugar. That sugar can aggravate your acne too.
So the tip here is, again, since we’re talking a drink here, try to keep it separate from your food:5-10 minutes before or 30-45 minutes after. And try to keep to drinks that are less in sugar. Some examples of my favorites are freshly squeezed lemonade with less sugar, fresh grapefruit juice (from a real grapefruit), or plain ice tea.
So it’s hard not to have candy on Halloween, especially if you’re young. But if there’s one tip to remember here, it’s that candy that has dairy is probably the worst. So if you’re going to have candy, try to keep away from the kind that has dairy, milk, butter in it.
Therefore, things like milk chocolate, white chocolate, snickers, or pretty much most of the chocolates (with the exception of really dark, high-quality chocolate) will have milk and be off limits if you want to reduce the blow to your pimples and zits. Sorry guys.
The same goes for snacks like brownies, cakes, and pies. If you can reduce the amount of milk in your sweet treats, you might be able to reduce the amount of the size and number of those pimples.
I know it’ll be pain, but ask the person who made the snack if there’s any dairy, butter, or milk in their recipe. And if there is, keep away!
If it’s a store bought snack, then be sure to check the recipe. And sadly, yes that means most ice cream is a no no. However, if you’re able to find it, there are plenty of ice cream like snacks made with other ingredients instead of cow’s milk (coconut milk, almond milk, soy).
You probably already guessed it if you noticed the pattern from the two categories above: no dairy. If you’re just starting out I would even suggest limiting carbs such as noodles, rice, and pasta. But what the heck, it’s a holiday so knock your socks off and eat your heart out.
Just remember, at the end of the day, if your body is more acidic than it is alkaline, you’ll continue to breakout. So try to keep putting in alkaline foods into your body so you can offset that imbalance. And if you want to learn more about acidic & alkaline balancing, be sure to check out my other articles!
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