6 Reason Why Acne Can Be Good For You

By 11/10/2013November 7th, 2014Blog

Flashback to when I was 20 years old …

My acne should’ve been over by now.  I thought puberty stopped at 18.  I guess it still hasn’t stopped for me.  That can’t be the reason, NOBODY else I know has it this bad.  Okay, maybe like 2-3 other people.

I look like a freak.

Look at my skin, it’s flaky, peeling off, it’s red with pus marks on it and scabs covered all over from failed attempts at popping these hideous zits.

I look like I have a disease!

That girl isn’t going to find me attractive.  I can’t even get close to her, I don’t want her to see my face.  I bet she thinks I’m disgusting.

Or, if you’re a girl (which I think is even worse if you had terrible acne)

That guy probably thinks I’m ugly.  Look at me!  Look at this!  What is this?!  Why can’t this just go away!  

Just typing it brings back those sad memories (chills run down my spine) …

None the less, believe it or not, acne can be good for you.

Acne was good for me.

Maybe it’s because I just finished reading the book Siddartha, maybe it’s because after 10 years of trying this and that, I’ve finally cured my acne through the diet that I discovered, or maybe it’s because it’s allowed me to create something where I could really help people: My Acne Coach…

Either way, I truly believe that acne was a good thing to happen to me.

Don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t think anyone who has acne is in a good health state or that I could’ve believed this when I still had acne.

But I DO believe it did me a small miracle.

It helped me:

  1. Become less arrogant
  2. More empathetic
  3. Become a believer in health and diet
  4. Create the My Acne Coach Program
  5. Meeting other driven people who want to make a difference
  6. Help others

Less Arrogance

I’ve been told by some that I’m not a “bad looking” person, in fact, I’ve been told my women that I’m quite handsome.  To be honest, when I look in the mirror these days, I’m still just glad I have clear skin and don’t have to deal with acne anymore.

But I have to say, that ever since I cleared my acne, it has been a lot easier to date women and I have gotten a lot more compliments than I did before.

However, it wasn’t always like this.  I was an outgoing kid who, when I got my first pimple at the age of 12, gradually became more and more shy with every year of acne because I felt hideous.  I couldn’t stand the pop marks, peeling and flaking skin, and the whiteheads on top of my red blemishing zits.  I didn’t think other people found it attractive either.

Who could love someone as disgusting as me?

Of course now, years later, looking back it wasn’t that bad and I now understand there’s much more to it than my looks.  But you and I both know, to a certain extent, that’s BS (excuse my French).

Without getting too much into the philosophical department here, looks aren’t everything but when you look like the Elephant man, you’re at a disadvantage.

And plus, I wasn’t trying to become Brad Pitt, George Clooney, I was just trying to look like … myself.

I didn’t feel like I even looked like MYSELF!

Just between you and me, I think we’d all look DAMN good if we just had clear skin.

More Empathetic

After going through that whole acne ordeal, I really FEEL for people who have acne.  I know EXACTLY what you’re going through.  I went through it myself.

I spend the hours in the bathroom.  I kept the lights dim in my room and avoided looking at the mirror because I didn’t want to constantly be reminded of all the crap on my face.

I sat on my bed with the new box of facial cleansing products imagining how I would finally be clear!

Needless to say, none of those products worked.

So I know you feel.  I know the hopelessness, the frustration, the ANGER!  The sadness, the desperation, the loneliness.  And boyyy… was I lonely.

I get it, that’s why I’m here.  I’m not getting paid the big bucks to do this.

But it means something to me, that’s why it’s important to me.

Believer in Health and Diet

I am now an official believer that good health and eating can change your world.

I wasn’t always this way.

I didn’t eat meat.  Steak?  It was too much work to cut and chew.

Vegetables didn’t taste good.

I liked ice cream.  I liked cheesecake.  I loved macaroni and cheese.

Brownies, everything pasta, fetucchini, fried rice, egg tarts, desserts, ravioli, pizza, smoothies, milkshakes.

I never gained weight no matter how much of this stuff I ate.  I didn’t know why, I didn’t care.

Now I know why, my body didn’t gain weight, that’s not how it malfunctioned when I ate poorly.

I broke out instead.

I had heartburn when I was only 19 years old.

I suffered from depression, loneliness, and didn’t want to leave my dorm room freshman year because I felt ugly, unwanted, and alone.  I didn’t feel like I could be loved.

Now, when I think about it, it was a crazy irrational time in my life.

But I did feel disgusting.

I felt dirty.

After I changed my diet, found the formula that it would take to clear my acne and then did really DID cure my acne … I became a believer.

Trust me, there’s nothing that would make a grown man eat his vegetables faster than one who had been suffering from acne for 10 years, then suddenly he finds out vegetables are the cure (of course it’s a little more complicated than that).  I gobbled up green foods and ate like a monk for years.

Little did I know, my health would soon grow and continue to become better than all my other friends.

When they started breaking out, when they started having health problems, when they started balding in their late 20’s, I had none of these problems.  And I will continue to have none of these problems.

Acne had led me to a path of health.  And health will lead to the path of a better life.

Creator of My Acne Coach

I have to say, sometimes when I think about what I did, it’s pretty damn cool.

I graduated in Electrical Engineering and hated it.  I was miserable.  Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t that I couldn’t do it, I scored higher than most of the class, I was a pretty smart kid, but I did not want to become an engineer.

So I dabbled in some other stuff here and there for a couple years.

And then one day, I decided that I was going to learn how to build a website. So I built one.  My first website looked like this.

I wrote and worked on my website a lot, people started becoming interested and writing back to me, “Ray, your program is working!  My skin is clearing up!”

That made me really happy.  So I kept at it.

Then one day, I decided that I was going to try and write a book … so I wrote one.

Then people started buying my book.  I couldn’t believe it.

So I decided I was going to start coaching clients … years later (and many details later), here I am today.  It’s been a great experience, many lessons, and a lot more fulfilling than some of the desk jobs I’ve had (or maybe I just haven’t met THE desk job yet … we’ll see)

Meeting Other Driven People

Being this passionate about my business led me to think like others and meet others who thought just as passionately about their line of work.  I could be sitting in a corporate office working on engineering stuff right now and hating my life.  But instead, this business of helping people clear their skin gives me purpose.

I love it.

I love helping you guys, I love helping people clear their acne and regain their confidence in themselves.

And now after this entire experience, I get why I had acne.

For all of you devil’s advocates: I know that I’m rationalizing this experience and one could say, “Dude, what if you got hit by a car and lost both your arms and legs, would you say that was ‘good for you too?'”  To that I would say, “Yes, I probably would say that if my arms and legs grew back after 10 years just like how my acne cleared up.”

And the great thing about being passionate about my work is that I get to meet other people who passionate about theirs.  I get to inspire people to work on things that they are passionate about, even if they are stuck at jobs they don’t really care for.

I try to get my friends to quit their jobs all the time!  But that’s another story…

Helping the Less Fortunate

Like in this video, where Simon Sinek talks about serving other people, I think this is the best part of what I’m doing.

It’s about helping people.  It’s about being able to relive even just a little bit, even just a FRACTION of that feeling that people have when after years and years and years of having acne, blemishes, acne scars, breakouts, zits, pimples, masks, creams, dermatologists, facial washes, looking the mirror, desperation, frustration, money, time, more money, more time …

Then finally … clear skin.

And to think, it was all as simple as eating healthy.

In fact, some research has shown that we product oxytocin, the cuddle hormone, when we help other people.  We are actually physiologically designed to feel good and produce positive hormones when we do good deeds and help our own species.

I often ask myself what I want this life to be about.

I ask myself what I would be thinking when I’m laying on my death bed.  Would I regret not having followed my dream?  Or would I sit at a desk job at something I didn’t care about, for a boss I didn’t want to work for, for a company that made products of things I wasn’t interested in.

And the answer is always that I would love this.

I want to create a group of people where we all help each other clear each other’s skin and maintain healthy diets.  It would be great to help clear 100 people.  Then I would want to help clear 1,000 people.  Then times that by 10.  Then times that number by 10.  And so on …

And I know this because I’ve worked at the office desk job and something that I wasn’t sure I would want to dedicate my life too.  And I know from statistical research done by the NY Daily News stating that 70% of U.S. workers hate their job.

And there are more than 313.9 million people in the U.S. right now (as of writing this article) which would make:

219.73 million people hate their jobs.

That means that out of 10 of your friends, only 3 of them like their jobs and the other 7 … well, they’re driving back home on the 405 freeway trying to get back home as soon as possible so they can saver the few hours they have between dinner and bedtime before they have to get up and repeat this whole boring process all over again.

By having acne, I was given a chance to cure it.

By curing it, I was given the chance to teach it.

By teaching it, I was given a chance to help someone else.

And by helping someone else, I was given a chance to do something bigger than myself.

Final Thoughts

Who knows, maybe I would’ve became this cocky, arrogant asshole if I didn’t have those solid years of humility?

Now bare with me while I get a little philosophical … it’s hard to say whether or not I would’ve definitely these characteristics if I didn’t have acne.  But I’m not here to talk about that, I’ll save that article about the parallel worlds of alternate selves for another time.  Acne DID happen to me, and right now it’s happening to you.

And that @#!!%!!%$ sucks.

But trust me, the day that you cure it.  That day you finally wake up, go to the bathroom to brush your teeth (which you actually won’t even have to do after doing my juice fast body reset), and look in the mirror to see that you no longer have acne, but you have clear, beautiful skin …

You will COMPLETELY understand what I mean.

On that day, you’ll say, “Acne can be good for you.


10 Steps to Cure Acne

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About Ray

Ray was an ex-acne sufferer for more than 10+ years and spent over $10,000 on acne products, creams, dermatologists, laser surgeries, ProActiv, you name it, he's tried it. After finally curing himself through diet, he became a believer that the right formula of food can truly heal all. While starting My Acne Coach, he finished his Masters degree in Nutrition & Dietetics and became a Certified Alternative Nutritionist.
