How To Make Kefir To Cure Your Acne

By 02/19/2013November 7th, 2014Acne Free Diet, Dairy, Milk, Cheese, Butter, Other Foods

So you FINALLY believe me about why kefir is so important to clearing your acne.

SO important to acne free, clear skin.  Now let’s talk about how to make kefir happen in your home and in your life so that you can get started and becoming clear the natural and healthy way.

Kefir isn’t a common food in today’s society like macaroni and cheese, omelettes, or hamburgers so a lot of people are very confused when it comes to this magical food.  I was too when I was first introduced to this amazing acne solution.  That’s why I’m going to share with you all the tips, tricks, and secrets I know about what I’ve learned when it comes to kefir and acne.

By clicking to read more, you’ve shown me and yourself that you have a desire to learn and a thirst for knowledge.  You don’t simply want a quick fix.  Or… you’ve tried all the quick fixes already and you got no choice now =\.  Either way’s fine with me, what matters is that you’re here now.  So feel free to skip the next little section where it says “FIRST TIME HERE?” and on to the next part after that.


If you’ve accidentally clicked on this part of the website because you were just scrolling through the “First Time Here?” sidebar or you legitimately wanted to know what “that” looks like, please check this out first: CLEARING YOUR FACE THE HEALTHY WAY. It’s a page that I designed specifically for people who were just starting out, it’s the beginning of the journey and a place where I tell you about what I’ve been through.

If you’re curious about kefir, one of the best foods you can eat if you have acne, go ahead and read on…

Welcome to the second article about kefir and all it’s generous benefits if you have acne. I’ve broken this article down into these different parts, to really get a full understanding of what’s going on and how you can best cure your acne fully and not have it come back, I highly recommend that you read ALL the parts of this article COMPLETELY:


You make it.


Yes, you make it.

But I’ve never cooked a day in my life!

I didn’t cook before either, but I did it, so can you.  It’s easy.

Here’s what you need:

  • Plastic Strainer
  • Jars
  • Wooden spoon
  • Kefir grains
  • Goat’s Milk/Cow’s Milk/Soy Milk
  • Moderate temperature to store them in (food cabinet)


1.) Wash your hands and make sure they’re clean, you definitely don’t want to contaminate this food you’re about to make because you’re going to be using these kefir grains over and over again.

2.) Get your hands on some kefir “grains.” Kefir is the yogurt part, the grains are what actually produce the yogurt.  They look like the picture shown on the right.  They’re usually white with a little bit of a slight yellowish hue.  They’re soft and squishy and if you’ve ever accidentally eaten one, they’re kind of chewy.

They come in all shapes and sizes and some are larger than others.  To the right is a picture of  what “kefir grains” look like. These are the live bacteria that produce the kefir yogurt that we eat.

3.) Put then kefir grains into a clean jar.

4.) Add goat’s milk, cow’s milk, soy milk, or whatever healthiest milk you can get your hands on in that jar with the kefir.  ***Make sure the milk is not hot!***  Regular temperature or even cold milk is fine.


Because kefir grains are LIVING good bacteria.  Really hot milk or really hot anything can kill them.  If you suddenly decided that you wanted to put these kefir grains in the microwave, you would kill them all and you would not be able to make kefir anymore from these grains.

5.) Seal it with a paper towel, napkin, or whatever breathable lid you can so that oxygen can come in and out but things and bugs can’t crawl in.

HINT: I usually use a paper towel tied to the top with a rubber band so that air can circulate but nothing like bugs can crawl in.

6.) Leave the jar alone.  Leave the kefir grain and milk combination alone in a room temperature or slightly warmer place for it to ferment.

7.) Strain it.  Use that plastic strainer that you have and strain the kefir yogurt apart from the kefir grains into a bowl.

8.) Repeat.  You can eat the kefir and reuse the kefir grains to make more kefir.

In case you wanted to see a visual representation of how to strain kefir, this guy from does a pretty good job explaining it. And until I record my own video on how to make and strain kefir, I think his will suffice =).


1.) Try not to use metal when it comes to kefir.  Kefir tends to be acidic and can burn away at your utensil or strainer if you use metal on it.  Try to stick to plastic or wood if possible.

2.) Try to keep kefir in a room temperature place where it’s not too hot or too cold.  Of course, the room doesn’t have to absolutely perfect in temperature but it will definitely influence the fermentation time.  A room that’s too hot and the kefir will spoil or die.  A room that’s too cold and the kefir will take forever to ferment.  So a room that’s just right in temperature (slightly above room temperature) would be perfect.

3.) Fermentation time affects taste.  The longer you ferment, the more viscous and sour it’s going to taste.  If you decide to strain it very quickly, maybe 12 hours after you put it in the jar with your milk then the kefir yogurt may come out very light and “liquidy.”  But if you leave it in the jar for too long with the milk and you may find more of a tofu jello-like yogurt that’s a lot more thick.  How fermented you like your kefir depends on your preference.

I usually like my kefir fermented a bit more because I like the fact that I’m getting a fully fermented food rather than a partial one.

4.) Don’t rinse your kefir grains after.  Some people like to rinse their kefir grains with drinking water after every batch.  There have been rumors that this interrupts the kefir grain’s fermentation cycle and slows them down.  I usually just put the freshly strained kefir grains right back into my jar and add milk again.  I’m constantly making batch after batch of kefir because I’m also constantly eating the kefir everyday.

5.) Goat’s milk is ideal.  If you can find unpasteurized goat’s milk, that would be the best.  But if you really can’t, goat’s milk is better than regular cow’s milk is better than soy milk.  If you’re not familiar with why you don’t want to use regular cow’s milk, you definitely want to read DOES FOOD CAUSE ACNE?


A lot of people have never even heard of kefir.  So when I start talking about how it’s so great and all the benefits they get really excited and many people want to try it… like… right NOW.  The only problem is that they have no idea where they can get it.

So first, you need to ask yourself two questions:

Am I going to make kefir or am I going to buy it at the store?

Here are the pros and cons:

If you decide that you’re going to make your own kefir:


  1. You know what goes in it
  2. You don’t have to buy it when you run out (All you need is milk)
  3. It’s healthier (if you do it right)
  4. You can customize it using goat’s milk or soy milk or whatever else you decide to use.


  1. You have to make it everyday
  2. You can mess it up if you don’t know what you’re doing
  3. It sometimes doesn’t taste as good as the store bought kind
  4. There’s clean up required after you make it
  5. You have to take care of the kefir grains

If you decide that you want to buy your own kefir:


  1. You don’t have to make it
  2. It tastes better (depending on your individual preference)
  3. You can’t mess it up
  4. Not as much clean up required


  1. You have to buy it so it costs money
  2. You don’t know what goes in it
  3. You can’t customize it with goat’s milk, soy milk, or whatever else kind of kefir you decide to make

So based on your decision, if you’ve decided that you’re going to make your own kefir then you’re going to need to get kefir grains.  Remember, the kefir grains are different from the actual kefir because the grains are the ones that create the kefir that you eat.  The actual “kefir” is the white yogurt that’s created that’s edible.


You can buy kefir grains just like you can buy the actual kefir yogurt.  But according to an ancient Chinese story about kefir, it’s not to be sold.  If you’re curious about why it shouldn’t be sold and the story of kefir in this little video I made here below.

None the less, it’s still available these days because most people in society have abandoned the wishes of the monks who originally gave us kefir.  Sadly, now, kefir is sold in stores everywhere.

It’s not exactly against the rules to “buy” it but well… maybe now we’re just getting into technicalities…

None the less, if you really wish to purchase kefir grains, you can find it online, on craigslist, or in many other places.  I actually got my kefir grains through my mother’s friend.  The monks say that if you are fated to bump into someone who has the grains, then maybe you were meant to meet this person who can help you.  But if you don’t deserve it, then maybe it’s not in your fate to meet someone who has this miracle food that can help you.

My mother’s friend worked at a jewelry store with her husband and my mom met her through a mutual friend of theirs.  She actually had 3 heart surgeries and didn’t have much longer to live because her health was declining rapidly.  I believe she also got it through a friend of hers because her health was so bad that she was willing to try anything.  Several months later of eating kefir and her life had changed.  So she told husband, her friend, my mom, many people about the good news and my mom tried it herself.

Other than the milk that you have to buy whenever you run out of kefir, that’s pretty much the only start up cost that you have to finance: the kefir grains.

If I were you, I’d try to find goat’s milk if possible.  But if you really can’t find it, you can also use cow’s milk or soy milk.

If you decide that you’re going to buy it…

I’m from California, United States and over here we have it at Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and Ralphs.  So far those are the grocery stores that I’ve been to and found them in.  You may want to check your local grocery store to see if they sell it around you.


So you’ve strained the kefir into a little bowl and you’re ready to sit down and eat.

But remember that kefir isn’t the only thing that you need to eat for clear skin and to heal acne scars. The Acne Free Diet talks much more in detail about all the other things you need for acne free clear skin.


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About Ray

Ray was an ex-acne sufferer for more than 10+ years and spent over $10,000 on acne products, creams, dermatologists, laser surgeries, ProActiv, you name it, he's tried it. After finally curing himself through diet, he became a believer that the right formula of food can truly heal all. While starting My Acne Coach, he finished his Masters degree in Nutrition & Dietetics and became a Certified Alternative Nutritionist.


  • kami says:

    Great article Ray!! Thanks a ton!

  • Saeeda says:

    Hi Ray 🙂
    First of all I would like to thank you for your affords to help all acne sufferers out there! Especially that you are investing so much spare time of yours in to making videos,writing articles,running this blog where you could just enjoy your hobbies or whatever people do so after their job to relax 🙂 And not to forget you are sharing your knowledge for Free ,where some others make money on anything or anyone. Really noble of you :)Your Mom is surely very proud to have a son like you. OK OK I think I better stop here,not that I make you blush or something XD
    I am a 30 years young 🙂 and guess what? yup…I still have acne, that is mostly comedonic.It is not that bad as cystic acne but well…It does quit enough damage to my skin(large pores, scared pores ect.) and self esteem.That Acne nightmare started from age 13 till now.I have tried everything possible,accutane,BP,Retin-A,Acid peels,Lazers and Dermobrasion,my Dermatologist did this to me DURING Accutane treatment, my skin healing was weakened by the drug… aaannd Vua-la…Inflammation/Cystic acne/Bunch of scars/My Ruined skin and empty bank account as a bonus .
    That was the time where I lost my trust in doctors and all that “ahhsogoodandprooven” medical treatments.I am doing my research on alternative ways of curing my Acne since 2 years now,I have learned a lot so far and am trying what I learn.My skin is bit better by now but there is still a lot to do. I am so happy I found your Blog!I will definitely try your regimen ! and I surely gonna let you know how it works.
    I am originally from North Caucasus,and Kefir is very common food there(mostly made of goat milk) .Here in Belgium all you can get is a yoghurt thingy drink that is NO way near to real Kefir (even though, it is written “Kefir” on the etiquette:)) . I’ve just recently (1 month or so) got Real Caucasian Kefir grains from my Aunty ! And if it was meant for me to get them….then I belive it was also meant for me to find your Great Blog !

    P.S sorry for my poor english spelling and the Essey 🙂

  • Saeeda says:

    One more legend about Kefir Grains from North Caucasus :)——–
    In the Caucasian Mountains is a legend Mohammed gave kefir grains to the Orthodox people. The “Grains of the Prophet” were guarded jealously since it was believed that they would lose their strength if the grains were given non-believers. Kefir grains were regarded as part of the family and tribe’s wealth and they were passed on from generation to generation as a well-guarded secret. For millennia, the people of the Caucasus enjoyed this healthy drink without sharing it with anyone else they met. Some other people from the West occasionally going to the Caucasus region heard strange tales of this unusual fermented beverage, which was said to have ‘magical’ properties on wellbeing. Even Marco Polo mentioned kefir in the chronicles of his travels. However, kefir was unknown outside the Caucasus for all the time until the end of nineteen century when news spread of its successful use for the treatment of tuberculosis, intestinal and chronic diseases. At this time Caucasus region was under control of Russia and the Russian doctors working there had first hand experienced that kefir was greatly beneficial to human health. Professor Dr. Kanschlikow devoted a large part of his life to kefir research and in 1893 published first scientific study of the healthy effects of kefir. Although Russian working in Caucasus were able to occasionally drink kefir, kefir grains were impossible to get.

    However, the members of the All-Russian Physician’s Society were determined to obtain kefir grains in order to make kefir available to their patients, and developed plan to get kefir grains. One young and beautiful girl, Irina Sakharova, was given this mission. She was sent to Kisslovods and then to the court of a local prince, Bek-Mirza Barchorov. She was instructed to charm the prince and persuade him to give her some of the best kefir grains kept in their ruling family for centuries. Unfortunately, it didn’t go according to plan. The prince, fearing retribution for violating religious law, had no intention to give away any “Grains of the Prophet”. However, he was very taken by the beauty of young Irina and didn’t want to lose her either. After some adventures and dangers, Irina succeeded and in September 1908, she returned to Moscow with a cup of real kefir grains. Today, most of the real kefir grains around the globe, are babies of Irina’s original cup of grains. Smaller Kefir grains originate in Tibet and are common among kefir lovers too:)

  • Amy says:

    Hi Ray 🙂
    First of all I would like to thank you for your affords to help all acne sufferers out there! Especially that you are investing so much spare time of yours in to making videos,writing articles,running this blog where you could just enjoy your hobbies or whatever people do so after their job to relax 🙂 And not to forget you are sharing your knowledge for Free ,where some others make money on anything or anyone. Really noble of you :)Your Mom is surely very proud to have a son like you. OK OK I think I better stop here,not that I make you blush or something XD
    I am a 30 years young 🙂 and guess what? yup…I still have acne, that is mostly comedonic.It is not that bad as cystic acne but well…It does quit enough damage to my skin(large pores, scared pores ect.) and self esteem.That Acne nightmare started from age 13 till now.I have tried everything possible,accutane,BP,Retin-A,Acid peels,Lazers and Dermobrasion,my Dermatologist did this to me DURING Accutane treatment, my skin healing was weakened by the drug… aaannd Vua-la…Inflammation/Cystic acne/Bunch of scars/My Ruined skin and empty bank account as a bonus .
    That was the time where I lost my trust in doctors and all that “ahhsogoodandprooven” medical treatments.I am doing my research on alternative ways of curing my Acne since 2 years now,I have learned a lot so far and am trying what I learn.My skin is bit better by now but there is still a lot to do. I am so happy I found your Blog!I will definitely try your regimen ! and I surely gonna let you know how it works.
    I am originally from North Caucasus,and Kefir is very common food there(mostly made of goat milk) .Here in Belgium all you can get is a yoghurt thingy drink that is NO way near to real Kefir (even though, it is written “Kefir” on the etiquette:)) . I’ve just recently (1 month or so) got Real Caucasian Kefir grains from my Aunty ! And if it was meant for me to get them….then I belive it was also meant for me to find your Great Blog !

    P.S sorry for my poor english spelling and the Essey 🙂

  • Susan Ho says:

    Hey Ray, have you tried Konbucha? I’m wondering if Kombucha has similar properties. I make my own. The process is similar to making Kefer.

    Thanks again for the great Blogs.

  • Louie says:

    I am from Malaysia… i was wondering how am i able to get Kefir in my country… Pls help…

  • Kelly says:

    Hi Louie,

    I am from Malaysia too. You can obtain the Kefir Grains (starter) from this lady from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia who is very experienced and devoted in culturing Kefir. I got my kefir grains from her and her kefir grains are very active, makes excellent milk kefir. She provides excellent guide to help me when I first started and give me many kefir recipes.

    Please contact her, kefirbaby @

  • Kelly says:

    Hi Ray,

    You have an excellent blog here. I learn so much from you and I enjoy reading your posts. Thank you very much for sharing your experience with me 🙂

  • Rachel says:

    Hi Ray! I’m from Singapore and i’ve been searching for places that sells Kefir grains/Kefir milk/Kefir products but I still can’t find it. So, what should i do now? Is it okay if i replace Kefir with yogurt/goat’s milk?

  • kelly says:

    Rachel, have you tried contacting for kefir grains? I am pretty sure she can send you the kefir grains. Good luck.

  • kelly says:

    hi Ray,

    It’s me again, Kelly from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I can’t tell you how happy I am to have a clear skin, away from acne after drinking kefir milk for a few months. I make water kefir too and use it as a skin toner after cleansing. Great stuff!

    I hope Rachel from Singapore got the real kefir grains from kefirbaby. Kefir is more effective than yogurt in clearing acne.

    Thanks heaps, Ray

    • Agnes says:

      Hi Kelly,

      I am from Malaysia too.

      Glad to hear you have recovered from acne.

      My son came back from Australia 3 months ago and suffered extremely bad acne .

      He is under Dr a treatment at one of the renowned skin specilaist at Subang jaya but still not improving much .

      My hear aches when I see him everyday .

      Can you share with me your healing tips.

      I want to know more about the kefir making also.

      Appreciate a million.

      Hope you can reply my mail.




  • Sk8er says:

    YAY RAY Kefir keeps Acne at bay!

    Anyways, I gotta buy myself some kefir now.

  • Louis says:

    Hi, where is the first article on Kefir. In this article “how to make kefir to clear your acne” it says that this is the second article about kefir and that the first one is titled “Does Eating Kefir Cause Acne?” but when I go to click on the link for the first article this one comes up again. Did you decide to delete the first article?


