The REAL Cause of My Acne

By 01/25/2012November 7th, 2014Acne Secrets, Newcomers

What is the TRUE cause of your acne and why do you breakout?  Alright, before we begin, we need to cover some acne fundamentals.

Acne is not caused by dirt.
Acne is not caused by overactive skin oil glands.
Acne is not caused by caused by genes.
Acne is not caused by bacteria.

So how does acne happen then?

A lot people claim that it’s the overactive sebaceous skin or the bacteria or the [place common misconception here] that causes acne. But acne is not caused by any one of those. I’ll start by giving examples to illustrate my point.

Acne is not caused by dirt. Have you ever met someone that barely ever washes their face yet it’s still clear? Like a construction worked who, exhausted, passes out on his bed from a hard day’s work without cleaning up beforehand yet wakes in the morning to still be… acne-free? Hell, he could go play in the mud and still not get a pimple, right? Because acne is not caused by dirt.

Acne is not caused by overactive skin oil glands. I’m sure you know someone who has oily skin but doesn’t have acne. Yes, they do exist.

Acne is not caused by genes. Though genetics can play a factor in the strengths and weaknesses of the various organs in your body, genes aren’t the cause of your acne because though you might be pre-genetically disposed to something, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will happen. I’m sure you know someone, whether they’ve mentioned it or not, who might have a history of, whether it be diabetes, asthma, colon cancer, etc. in their family but due to a healthy awareness don’t have what they were supposed to get.

Acne is not caused by bacteria. Although bacteria does aggravate acne, if you took a swab of an acne sufferer’s face and put it on the face of someone who doesn’t suffer from acne, that person is not going to suddenly develop acne. But, if your face is a “suitable environment” for the acne bacteria to flourish, then you will be prone to having acne. What do I mean by “suitable environment?” Toxins clogging up the pores or oily and unclean skin, this would make an excellent breeding ground for acne bacteria to infect your facial pores.

The “root causes” of acne, whether it’s facial, back, adult, black or whiteheads is the combination of two things:

1.) Imbalanced hormones
2.) Overflow of toxins


Hormones determine everything from how much hair you grow, to how tall you are, to how much oil your facial pores excrete (If you’re not sure what pores are you should probably review The Basics first). But oily skin creating an excess about of sebum is not the sole cause of the problem. There are people in this world who have oily skin but no acne.

And just because you don’t have “oily skin” doesn’t mean that this does not apply to you either. Your facial pores could still be clogged by the sebum your body is excreting. And those clogged pores will eventually turn into acne.


But it’s the combination of these overactive oil glands with congesting toxins that product acne. So where does this “imbalance” of hormones come from? From a lack of key nutritional deficiencies combined with liver and bowel congestion that eventually lead to the block of the “hormonal highway.” Congesting toxins in the blood and lymph fluid come from blocks in your “channels of elimination.” (If you’re not getting this, don’t worry, I’ll go over this in later so stay with me =)


Have you ever seen the Fox TV show “House” with Hugh Laurie? Well if you haven’t, here’s the synopsis taken from

The series follows the life of anti-social, pain killer addict, witty and arrogant medical doctor Gregory House with only half a muscle in his right leg. He and his team of medical doctors try to cure very ill ordinary people in the United States of America.

So these people come in with all different assortments of weird symptoms like really bad breadth, insomnia, twitching, and what not. And it’s House and his team’s job to diagnose the root cause of based on the symptoms they know about. There’s always this huge, dramatic buildup to how Doctor House comes in at the last minute, right before what would’ve been the unnecessary surgery, to reveal how he’s discovered what the real cause of the patient’s problem is.

My point here is that, what if they didn’t find the real cause of the problem? For example, what if someone had a food allergy but they didn’t know it? They kept eating this food which caused many harmful damages to his body including a horrible rash? So he goes to the dermatologist and the dermatologist says, “here, take these pills” to treat the rash. So the pills stop the rash outbreak, but has the real issue at hand been dealt? Acne is that rash symptom and we need to deal with the core dilemma. No matter how you try to throw topical creams, pills, name brand specialized washes, the acne just keeps coming back because the real underlying issue still exists.

Your body has billions of years of genetic coding with the perfect understanding of how to heal itself given the proper nutrients. If you give it the necessary nutrients, it will solve our core problem which will eliminate other symptoms too. For example, people are like expensive sports cars. You can take the most luxurious vehicle, give it the worst fuel and never maintain it. That car will crumble very quickly. That $500,000 powerhouse will eve rso rapidly degenerate into $5 scrap metal. But, if you tune it up regularly, offer it the highest quality fuel, and give it what it needs to perform, it will perform like a $500,000 powerhouse should.

Stop treating the symptoms and start giving your body the proper nutrients.


Let me tell you what no one else will tell you about ProActiv and Benzoyl Peroxide…

Conventional acne medication generally only treats the symptom. ProActiv is one of those acne treatments that’s main ingredient is benzoyl peroxide.  And if you want to read more about why ProActiv doesn’t work, feel free to read this article HERE.  But for now, let’s take, for example, the infamous BP or Benzoyl Peroxide, a topical cream that’s applied externally.

All topical acne treatments like salicylic acid or Benzoyl Peroxide do is kill acne bacteria. But after most the acne bacteria is killed on your face, it still doesn’t change the environment of your face. Eventually, the acne bacteria will come back. If you don’t believe me, that’s why you have to continue to use their products otherwise you’ll start breaking out again.

For those of you that ProActiv or Benzoyl Peroxide didn’t even work on, this is because Benzoyl Peroxide couldn’t kill the acne bacteria fast enough compared to the infections that were still happening.

To illustrate what I’m talking about with an analogy, let’s take a pond of water. Healthy people with healthy skin have a nice pond of water with fresh water running in and fresh water running out. This is sort of like their bodies or pores being able to filter out the toxins before it clogs up their pores. If you continue to have this fresh water running in and then having it running out, the possibility of infestation is very low.

But what if you have congesting toxins in your blood and lymph fluid and hormonal imbalance?

The congesting toxins would cause your body to not having any “fresh water” running into your “pond”, so to speak. The hormonal imbalance would cause your body not to not be able to filter toxins out, sort of like not having that water running out of your “pond.” Eventually, you’re pond just becomes a clogged, perfect breeding environment for acne bacteria, a “stagnant pond” if you will.

Think of those backyard water fountains that have gone out of use but still have a little bit of water in them. What happens to that stagnant, unmoving water? Eventually it becomes filled with mosquitoes, bacteria, fungus, it’s pretty gross. So what happens if you hose down and pour insecticide in that bacteria infested pond (which is the equivalent of only killing the acne bacteria on your face with benzoyl peroxide)? Obviously, you’ll kill most of the mosquito eggs, most of the mosquitoes, wash out most of the bacteria, etc… And for a little bit it’ll look like that pond’s pretty clean.

But sooner or later, after the insecticide dissipates and fades away, the mosquitoes will come back, the fungus will re-proliferate, and the bacteria will start to grow again. That might be a fine solution for some of you, but also, don’t forget about this. Your body isn’t that random pool of water in your backyard that you don’t really care about.

You’re only hurting your body more by using ProActiv and Benzoyl Peroxide.  Your acne will only get worse.

Pouring insecticide on or in your body for a long period of time eventually will start harming it, but we’ll get into that later.

And surprise! What do you think is the main ingredient in ProActiv’s Main 3-step regimen?

That’s right, you guessed it, Benzoyl Peroxide.

Or check out this website Nature’s Cure offering antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide cream (next we cover how bad antibiotics really are). In my opinion, that’s why, if it didn’t work for you, it’s because it really doesn’t work at all.

So in the end, some topical treatments might be useful in the short-term to alleviate acne, but you must understand that these topicals really don’t do anything for the underlying cause.

Then what’s the best solution here???

Should we focus on getting this “pool” of water running again so it’ll just clean itself and allow us to never have to use any insecticide ever again?

NO.  Let me tell what you should be focusing on that most acne sufferers miss…

NEXT: Do Acne Treatments Don’t Work? »


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About Ray

Ray was an ex-acne sufferer for more than 10+ years and spent over $10,000 on acne products, creams, dermatologists, laser surgeries, ProActiv, you name it, he's tried it. After finally curing himself through diet, he became a believer that the right formula of food can truly heal all. While starting My Acne Coach, he finished his Masters degree in Nutrition & Dietetics and became a Certified Alternative Nutritionist.


  • Marion Kristoffer Vien Basa says:

    good evening sir ray im Marion living in the Philippines im not good in english sorry for my grammar.. i enjoy reading and watching ur vids in youtube.. because im now suffering in acne.. huge acne .. i feel so sad about it.. your right sir ray.. “Have you ever met someone that barely ever washes their face yet it’s still clear? Like a construction worked who, exhausted, passes out on his bed from a hard day’s work without ….” this is so true someting im wondering why those people doesnt have acne 🙁 .. every time i go to the mirror.. i feel so sad.. it makes me cry.. please help me sir idontknow what to do.. i dont have any money i didnt yet went to the dermatologist because me and my family dont have enough money.. thanks sir .. hope u understand .. godbless always..

    • ray says:

      Hi Marion, I have met those people who never take care of their faces and still have clear skin. I used to think that it was unfair, that life was unfair. But don’t worry, life is fair and just because these people have clear it doesn’t mean that they are healthy. I need to see a commitment from you, back when I was younger, I did whatever it took to save up the money and devoted it to my skin. You can do the same, if you have two hands and feet, enough to type to me, you have the means just like me when I was 17 years old to save up all the money I had and start learning. You’re on the right track, keep going.
